Frequently Asked Questions

Are Board members eligible for a grant?

Yes, members are eligible but not during their time of service and they are not allowed to review or approve a grant request submitted by themselves or on their behalf.

Are Board members compensated for their efforts?

No. These are voluntary positions only.

How do I join the Board?

You’re interested in joining the Board? Great! Fill out an application and submit it to an IEEF board member. Elections will be held to replace retiring Board members. The board membership term is three years.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

For U.S. citizens, yes. As long as you donate directly to the IEEF, your donation is tax-deductible. A substantiation receipt, as required by the IRS, will be issued each January. If you donate directly to an employee, your donation is not tax-deductible.

Are donations anonymous?

Yes, donations are anonymous, except to the IEEF.

I am in the middle of an emergency, but never contributed. Can I still apply?

Of course. Anyone is welcome to apply. However, we encourage everyone to donate. You never know when it may be your family in need.

How do I donate to the IEEF?

Fill out a pledge form and then follow the directions on the form for mailing it to the IEEF. Giving forms are available on this website, by selecting “Donate | Support” at the top of the page, through Itron’s Community Giving portal on or from your local HR representative. You can also email to make a donation.

What if I have other questions?

Contact your local IEEF representative, HR representative, call the IEEF voice mailbox at 866.277.2030 or 509.891.3016, email, or contact an IEEF board representative.